Thursday 21 July 2016

Best Term Life Insurance Policy For You

How can you find the best term life insurance policy to provide security for your family?
There is not one answer to the question that would be accurate for all people. So many factors go into premiums and policies, so that the choice of the best policy or insurer is individual to each person who is looking for coverage. However, searching for good coverage for you, and your family, does not have to be time consuming or complicated.
How much coverage do you need? One thing to consider is the size of coverage you need. You may want to consider outstanding mortgage payments, income you would need to replace, and setting aside funds for your children’s education. It is very helpful to sit down and analyze ways your family would survive if something took your income and help out of the picture. Even a parent who does not make income probably contributes to the family. If a stay at home parent would die, how would children get cared for, meals get cooked, or the house get cleaned? Consider the income that would be lost, and the extra expenses your family would have.
How much can you afford to pay for premiums? No life insurance policy will help you if you have to terminate it because you cannot afford the premiums. If the size of a policy you think you need just costs too much, you may have to adjust the death benefit so the premiums are cheaper.
Compare top rated insurers with a good record of financial stability and customer service. If you are going to commit to making monthly premium payments, you want to be sure your Best Term Plan has your back. You can compare financial ratings of the top insurers online, and you can usually also find websites with customer service ratings and reviews. Make sure you find a company you will be happy to do business with.
Compare premiums and policies. Make sure you are comparing apples to apples. One company may seem like they have the cheapest term life insurance rates, but they do not guarantee the rates for the full term. Another company may seem more expensive, but they guarantee they will not raise rates for the whole length of your policy. Be sure you understand the rate guarantee, and the type of policy you are buying.
Other features that are common to term policies, may add value even though they cost a bit more. Some have a return of premium rider (option) which means you get your money back if you survive the policy. This could cost more every month, but can provide a great benefit. Imagine spending $50 a month for term insurance over 20 years, and then getting all of that money back at the end. So sometimes value is not all about price.
I promised this would not be too complicated. It doesn't have to be. You can use online life insurance quote forms to compare multiple quotes and plans in your local area. It just takes a moment to fill out the form. You can compare policies at your convenience that way.
Do You Need Help Finding Life Insurance?
We can help you find the best term insurance with our simple and quick online quote forms.   


Wednesday 20 July 2016

Group Insurance Schemes

Employee Benefits typically refers to retirement plans, health insurance, life insurance, accident & disability insurance as far as the contribution of insurance is concerned.
There are several more Employee Benefits that companies offer ranging from vacations, company cars, stock options, education loans support, and so on. However, while such perquisites are manageable by Human Resources and Management in small and medium companies fairly easily, one of the key challenges is in providing Employee Benefits to cover Insurance schemes to employee groups which are small in size. The reason for this is typically as a result of the type of products that are offered to employer groups by Insurance companies in India and much the world over.
Group Insurance Schemes provided by Insurers are what employers in India buy to cover their employee base. In insuring groups, employers get favorable rates bundled with unique services and features which are by and large not available to small groups.  The catch is that most of these schemes can only cover groups exceeding 20-25 persons. As a result small employers end up not covering their employees as they are unable to get covered under traditional group plans,. While the cost variance is marginal for small groups in going for group schemes versus individual plans to cover their employees, typically small employers do not have the bandwidth to keep track and keep seeking insurance covers on a one on one basis for their recruits. Bottom line, the lack of benefits can end up becoming a serious deterrent for hiring and retaining good employees, especially those who come from larger corporates where they have enjoyed great benefits.
Till such time as a strong online solution is presented, the small employer group will always find it a challenge to provide competitive benefits to their employees. While the cost to the company will remain a negligible component to overall costs, the value it can bring in the event of adversity will go a long way in creating a positive image of the company and its promoters and securing the well being of their employees.
The most popular group schemes in the market are as follows:
Group Medical Insurance - covers employees for fixed sums against hospitalization costs and can be extended to cover spouse, children and dependent parents)
Group Term Insurance - covers employees to provide death benefit to employee’s family/nominee for a fixed sum which can be based on salary, graded slabs or a flat sum across employees.
Group Personal Accident Insurance - similar to Group Online Term Insurance Plans In India, this plan also covers employees to provide death benefit but only in the case of Accidental Death. A group accident plan also provides disability benefits as a result of accident.
Group Travel Insurance - As a lot of employers in India especially in the IT sector have frequent travelers to international client locations, such a plan makes it simple for HR to cover their employees with international medical insurance and also makes it very cost effective.
Group Gratuity - As this a fixed sum factored by employers and mandated by the law, the Gratuity scheme also provides for a life cover linked to the amount of money due. In the event of an employee dying, the dependents are due to be paid the Gratuity due even if under 5 years and this can become a serious burden for employers. Hence it is advisable to manage the money as well as life protection from insurers.


Tuesday 19 July 2016

How to Get the Best Online Term Insurance Rates

If you're searching the Internet for life insurance your choices can be overwhelming, with literally hundreds of life insurance companies available to choose from. So how do you make sure you get the best online term life insurance rates?
Term life insurance rates have been dropping in recent years because of increased competition in the online world.
Where to Find the Best Term Life Insurance Rates
To find the best online term life insurance rates, begin by visiting an insurance comparison website. These websites match you to insurance providers so you can get the best possible rates and coverages. Such online insurance websites offer many advantages:
* You can get rate quotes any time of the day or night without leaving your home.
* You only need to fill out one simple questionnaire to get fast quotes from multiple companies.
* You have the assurance that the companies you're looking at are A-rated or higher, which means they are reliable, stable, and financially sound.
* On the best insurance websites, you can talk with an insurance professional online and ask questions about how to get the best Online Term Insurance.
Insurance Tips
As you search for the best online term life insurance rates, follow these tips:
* Complete the online questionnaire fully and accurately. If you don't understand a question, open a chat with the online insurance professional and ask him or her for help.
* Be honest . If you say you don't smoke but later die of a smoking-related illness, the insurance company may not pay on your policy.
* If you do smoke, quit. Term life insurance companies offer the best rates to non-smokers, but you can improve your rate if you quit smoking. The more years that pass without you smoking, the better your rate will be.
* Schedule any required physicals for the morning, when your blood pressure and cholesterol levels are lower.
* Ask if you can get a lower rate by paying your premium annually rather than monthly.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Safely Shopping For Term Life Insurance Online

lot of money to have an insurance agent help with, you can now do on your own right from home. But everything comes with a price. While it is extremely easy, there are some things to keep in mind when going online to look for any type of life insurance.
When you see a great deal, it's tempting to jump right in. But with like with anything online, it's all too easy to put your identity at risk. Luckily it's entirely possible to protect yourself through some common sense and searching. Knowing both what you're looking for any what you can get yourself into will keep you in check when searching.
Putting "term life insurance" into Google yields over 25 million results. That's a lot of web pages. So how do you weed out the bad sites from the good ones? Not jumping into signing up for "free quotes" is a good first step.
Take a look at several websites to get an idea of what you're going to be looking at and to get a rudimentary idea of which sites are good or bad. But simply looking at the layout of the site isn't going to tell you if it's safe to type in your information and click 'Submit.' Noticing subtle signs is the key to success in safely shopping for term insurance online .
Any site that does not have an address or phone number on display is a risk, but checking out both of those types of contact ensures that it is legitimate. A phone call for the number and quick search engine check for the address should suffice.
If you are still worried, searching for the site's URL plus the word scam will also give you some information on the site.
While shopping for term life insurance online is convenient, getting assistance from an insurance agent is the most effective and safe method to find the plan you need. You will also get additional information on different types of policies from the insurers that you qualify for. Using an agent isn't free, but it is effective.
Keep the above in mind when starting your search for term life insurance online. It could save you a lot more than money: It could save your identity and your family's sense of security.


Monday 11 July 2016

Compare Term Plans, Buy the Best

You are working so hard to meet the needs and desires of your family. You have high hopes for their future. All your efforts are sincerely driven so that they lead a good life and occupy respectable positions in the family. But as we all know about the uncertainty of life in this mortal world, things don't seem that bright once we are not there with them. They would miss our care, our guidance and of course the money that we bring in to sustain them. There comes the role of life insurance, specifically term insurance. Term plans are designed with the intension to replace your income and make your loss to your family easier to some extent. A fixed sum is agreed to be paid by the insurer at the commencement of the plan, which is in fact a considerable amount of money and proportionately very huge compared to the premium paid.
Why compare term plans? This question is very important. The answer is not just difference in premium or different claim settlement ratios of companies. But different companies provide various other features that add to the basic term plan. Be it monthly income or extra coverage for some critical diseases, some companies hire a specialist team to provide claim assistance to the nominee etc. Thus, when purchasing a Term Insurance Online one must be aware of the different features or riders (added benefits) provided by the insurer. Each person has a different type of requirement. Thus, one must be clear which company provides those features in their term plans that suit their requirements best. Thus, comparing term plans before just buying is a wise thing to do and all experts recommend it.
Now another question comes, how to compare? This is a very relevant question because nowadays you find insurance companies in every nook and corner. With so many companies offering term plans with different features, it is havoc to even dare to think of comparing. These agents would do anything in their capacity to make you believe that only their company's plan is the best. So, you don't get the right information. We cannot expect you to study websites of all the insurance companies and chart out the best plan for yourself.
That problem is now addressed to a great extent by the rising capacity these insurance web aggregators are assuming in the insurance space. They intend to provide unbiased comparison in a very consumer friendly way. Thus, it is a good initiative taken by IRDA to promote Insurance Web Aggregators that provide healthy comparison in the best interest of the consumer.
Akanksha is expert in insurance sector. She has 10 year experience in insurance as well as investment field. Currently she is working with a reputed company and shares her experience through the blog and article. And she is very helping nature, so you can ask /put the questions regarding insurance and investment. She will definitely provide solution of all questions regarding compare term insurance or investment.
